Friday, July 20, 2007

What is happiness?

For me, I think happiness lies in fulfilment of mind, the absence of desire, and a feeling of pleasure not really of sense but of spirit, and surely not of imagination I should clarify. Because human creatures have never-ending desires one after another, never will be satisfied. Even the desire of happiness itself makes you unhappy. The desire of possession can always make you unsatisfied in life. So the definition of happiness and the way of feeling it depend individually on their way of thinking and looking at life. It's difficult and a bit controvertial sometimes for people to get it, because in reality, it's hard for people to stop their desire which is positive for progress, improvement and development, but at the same time exhausts and even stresses people who desire to reach out and realize the goals in their life. Some usually say, your life would stop and become meaningless when you don't have any desire, goals or dreams in your life. But Some would say, happiness belongs to the one who's always satisfied in life.

Indeed, happiness can be arosen in various occasions. For example, you can feel the happiness when surrounded by your family or friends celebreating your birthdays;When you're beloved and giving your love to others; When a new couple get married to each other they feel the happiness too. Sometimes, happiness is just a temporary thing. It would disappear later. In my opinion, the happiness gained on a material basis isn't real happiness, but the one you own in your spirit can be happiness forever.


F Alghaithi said...

hi summer actually I like your style of writing that you used to give the defintion of happiness... any way I totalay a gree with you about the point that saied every person has his or her own defition of happiness but at the end the share the same felling that reflect their satisfacation and pleasure

Alaa said...

Hi Summer.Good defintion.I agree with you that humen desire never end. We always want to have more. I think we have to learn to consent and satisfied about what we have so we can live happy.

Frank | ^_^ said...

I only have one word to say. 'NICE'!